Author Page on Amazon and GoodReads

August 30, 2020

Here is a link to my Amazon Author’s Page:

And the GoodReads Author Page:

On my birthday, August 20th of this year, the ebook version of my novel was put up on several websites, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I hope the people who read it like it, and will post good reviews on those sites, GoodReads, and other blogs and sites.

I am glad to finally offer it to the public, and hope it can be a source of interest, and even entertainment and enjoyment to people who are interested in the subjects and issues it touches on. It’s been a journey.

Publication of the paperback is still in the future, on October 3 of 2020 as of this note. I include here a video I produced which will be released to the public on September 3, when advance sales are encouraged. You can see it now.

My sincere thanks to all who have shown support.